Function Reference


Defines the resizing method used by a control.

GUICtrlSetResizing ( controlID, resizing )



controlID The control identifier (controlID) as returned by a GUICtrlCreate... function.
resizing See the Docking Values table below for values that can be used (add together multiple values if required).


Return Value

Success: Returns 1.
Failure: Returns 0.



When a GUI window is resized the controls within react - how they react is determined by this function. To be able to resize a GUI window it needs to have been created with the $WS_SIZEBOX and $WS_SYSMENU styles. See GUICreate.

    Docking Values Table
Resizing Value No displacement of
$GUI_DOCKAUTO 1 resize and reposition according to new window size
$GUI_DOCKLEFT 2 Left side
$GUI_DOCKRIGHT 4 Right side
$GUI_DOCKHCENTER 8 Position will not move relative to horizontal center
$GUI_DOCKTOP 32 Top side
$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM 64 Bottom side
$GUI_DOCKVCENTER 128 Position will not move relative to vertical center
$GUI_DOCKWIDTH 256 Width will not change
$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT 512 Height will not change
$GUI_DOCKSIZE 768 Size will not change (256+512)
$GUI_DOCKMENUBAR 544 512+32 so the control will stay on the top of window with no changing Height
$GUI_DOCKSTATEBAR 576 512+64 so the control stay at the bottom of the window with no changing Height
$GUI_DOCKALL 802 2+32+256+512 so the control will not move during resizing
$GUI_DOCKBORDERS 102 2+4+32+64 so the control will grow as the window

The default resizing for a given control is control depend see control doc.
The automatic resizing can be disabled if GUIEventOptions (Option) is set to 1.



GUIEventOptions (Option)



#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Opt("GUICoordMode", 2)
GUICreate ("My InputBox",190,114,-1,-1,$WS_SIZEBOX+$WS_SYSMENU) ; start the definition
GUISetIcon ("Eiffel Tower.ico")

GUISetFont (8,-1,"Arial")

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Prompt", 8,7)      ; add prompt info

$nEdit = GUICtrlCreateInput ("Default", -1,3,175,20,$ES_PASSWORD)   ; add the input area
GUICtrlSetState ($nEdit,$GUI_FOCUS)

$nOk = GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK",-1,3,75,24)    ; add the button that will close the GUI

$nCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Annuler", 25,-1)   ; add the button that will close the GUI

GUISetState ()                  ; to display the GUI

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop